The course Project management of the start of mass production is aimed at understanding the basic phases of product development and the start of mass production .
- Under the guidance of an experienced lecturer, participants apply the content mainly with the help of simulations and examples from practice.
- Top lecturers with experience and experts in their field.
- High degree of satisfaction of course participants .
The form of realization of the course is face-to-face or online (or both forms) .
The working methods used in the training programs are chosen in such a way as to ensure interactivity, adapt the content to the needs of the participants and prioritize the transfer of knowledge into practice .
- Understanding the basic phases of product development and the start of series production in accordance with the requirements of VDA2, PEP/PDP (Product Development Process) and APQP/PPAP.
- Get an overview of the methods used in the individual phases of the start of serial production.
- Get to know the typical elements of project management of serial production ramp-ups.
- Understanding how to create a project plan for the start-up of serial production depending on the size of the start-up.
Start-ups of serial production in different environments
- Start-ups in discrete production.
- Start-ups in continuous and batch production.
The basic phases of product development and the start of series production
- Definition of products and customer requirements.
- Concept competition and initial product design.
- Detailed product designs and choice of production location.
- Preparation of production sites.
- Selection of suppliers.
- The first prototypes.
- Pre-series and zero series.
- Transition to a standardized process.
Elements and methods used at the start of serial production
- A brief overview of elements from the development phase.
- Necessary elements and methods at the start of mass production.
- Continuity between the development phase and the start of series production.
- Optional elements and methods at the start of serial production.
Project management during the start of series production
- Role in project management and departmental responsibilities.
- Stage gatas and their content.
- Milestones and their content.
- Work packages.
- The inclusion of individual elements and methods within the project management of the start-up.
Typical project plans for mass production start-ups
- PEP – Produktentstehungsprocess (PDP – Product Development Process) in automotive.
- Comparison with VDA 2.
- Medium-sized start-up projects – which steps must be preserved.
- Small start-up projects.
Agile management methods in start-up projects
- Waterfall vs. agile approach.
- Agility options.
- Agility pitfalls during attacks.
- How to find balance.
Course participants have the option of subsequent application support in the form of individual consultation with the lecturer. The recommended range is 2-3 consultations.
The price for one application consultation with a lecturer (1 hour) is EUR 150 + VAT.
Application consultations are carried out online.