LEAN Office – Improving the processes of financial, IT and business services

The Lean Office course is focused on methods of increasing the efficiency of financial, IT, business, and administrative service processes.

    • Under the guidance of an experienced lecturer, participants apply the content mainly with the help of  simulations and examples from practice.
    • Top lecturers  with experience and experts in their field.
    • High degree of satisfaction  of course participants .

The form of realization of the course is  face-to-face or online (or both forms) .
The working methods used in the training programs are chosen in such a way as to ensure interactivity, adapt the content to the needs of the participants and  prioritize the transfer of knowledge into practice .

  • Experientially demonstrate methods of increasing the efficiency of processes in services with a focus on the area of ​​finance, business processes, IT, telecommunications and other services with prevailing “office” processes.
  • Through simulation, show the benefits of applying service process improvement methods and their impact on cooperation with internal and external customers and removing barriers between company departments.
  • Show opportunities for process improvement that are often obscured by “operational blindness” and plan application possibilities in the conditions of the training participants.

Why is it necessary to streamline service processes? Where are the biggest opportunities?

  • Lean Office and Digital Office. Examples from practice. What are the opportunities in the conditions of the participants?
  • Simulation of work in a company with a focus on service processes (first round).
  • Evaluation of process improvement opportunities. Why should Lean precede the digitization of processes?

Mapping the current state and setting processes

  • Process map. Measuring process efficiency.
  • Quality of activities performed in projects and processes.
  • What brings value? Value stream mapping (VSM).

Tools for increasing efficiency

  • Selected tools for increasing process efficiency.

Streamlining of existing processes, elimination of waste

  • Second round of simulation. Waste in service processes.
  • Analysis of value adding processes. Analysis and elimination of losses in processes.
  • Process efficiency and its measurement. Designing a future state without waste.
  • Workplace organization. Visualization.
  • Setting processes based on the map of the future state.

Conclusion and application in the processes of training participants

  • Summary of “best practices” for the field of service processes. Digital transformation and Lean Processes.
  • Improvement plan in the scope of the training participants.

For course participants, we offer the possibility of subsequent application support in the form of individual consultation with the lecturer or in the form of workshops directly at the client.


For ordering or more information, contact us at fbe@fbe.sk, or phone number +421 2 544 185 13.

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