Professional assistant

The Professional Assistant course is aimed at improving the professionalism of assistants in work contact with internal and external customers.

  • Improve the professionalism of assistants in working contact with internal and external customers
  • To learn how to professionally handle selected situations in business practice
  • To improve in the preparation, planning and organization of work meetings and meetings
  • Get better at making phone calls and sending messages
  • To improve in various forms of written communication

Assistant manager

  • Creating a comprehensive picture of the work of the assistant manager

Business protocol

  • Rules of business and social behavior, greetings, introductions, addresses, titles, handshakes, handing over business cards, etc.
  • Business meeting – greeting, seating, handshake, business cards, closing the meeting
  • Different situations – random meetings, getting into the car, traveling by car, taking the elevator together, mobile on/off

Video training of various situations

Personal and professional image

  • Components of personal image: appearance, body language, demeanor, communication style, self-control and reputation
  • Components of professional image: competence, credibility, self-confidence and consistency
  • Consistency between corporate and professional image

Analysis of photos, look at magazines, moderated discussion and summary of the discussion

Professional telephone communication

  • Telephone contact etiquette, calling a landline or a mobile phone
  • Creating a professional impression, the difference between a personal interview and a telephone interview, the contexts of telephone interviews
  • Structure of a telephone interview, standard wording, content of the interview, etc.
  • Receiving and forwarding a message for a manager or colleagues

Training of telephone interviews from the practice of female assistants – audio training

Planning and organization of meetings

  • Purpose of the meeting or meeting, program, selection of participants, technical security
  • Minutes of the meeting or meeting, tasks, what, who, date, attachments
  • Preparation of workshops and presentations

Group work on the preparation and provision of a model meeting, creation of a mind map and presentation of the results of group work

Written communication

  • Specifics of written communication
  • Analysis of selected samples of written communication from the point of view, form, style and comprehensibility
  • Corporate letters, e-mails in practice and faxes in practice
  • Netiquette, e-mail, network etiquette, rules for writing professional e-mails

Individual and group writing of letters and e-mails, feedback on the results of written exercises

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