Energy management I – Key principles in practice

The Key Principles of Energy Management course will introduce participants to strategies and practical procedures for reducing energy consumption, costs and CO2 emissions (Zero Carbon, Net Zero strategy).


  • Under the guidance of an experienced lecturer, participants apply the content mainly using exercises and examples from practice.
  •  The lecturer of the course is John Mulholland, an international expert in the field of Energy Management , who works in various manufacturing and service industries and for business organizations in 12 countries.
  • The course will show how to connect three key factors of energy management in practice – data solutions, technical solutions and work with people .
  • An invitation from John Mulholland in a short video.

The form of realization of the course is  face-to-face or online (or both forms) .
The working methods used in the training programs are chosen in such a way as to ensure interactivity, adaptation of the content to the needs of the participants and a  priority focus on the transfer of knowledge into practice .

The courses will be held in English. A translation into Slovak will be provided for those interested.

  • To introduce participants to a strategy for applying key principles of energy management to reduce energy consumption, costs and carbon emissions. Who is the course intended for? Managers and engineers in medium to large organizations who want to improve energy and environmental performance.


  • What is energy management?
  • What is the goal of effective energy management?
  • What are the benefits?
  • What are the key principles of energy management?
  • ISO 50001 energy management system standard


Key principle no. 1: Data solutions

  • Why reliable and timely data is important
  • Data collection and types: meters/submeters
  • Data analysis: understanding the data
  • Who needs what and when?
  • Data reporting and measures
  • Non-energy data
  • Energy efficiency indicators and energy sources
  • International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP)


Key principle no. 2: Human solutions

  • Top management commitment and policy
  • Energy team: roles/responsibilities
  • Significant energy users: skills
  • All energy users: awareness
  • Internal and external communication
  • EnCO gap analysis matrix
  • Strategy and people momentum


Key principle no. 3: Technical solutions

  • Types of technologies available
  • Control elements
  • CHP, refrigeration, boilers, chillers, compressed air, insulation, lighting, motors/drives
  • On-site renewable energy production
  • Investment estimate
  • Better design and procurement
  • Energy audits and surveys



Interactive training using case studies, practical exercises.

For course participants, we offer the possibility of subsequent application support in the form of individual consultation with the lecturer or in the form of workshops directly at the client.

To order or for more information, contact us at, or at phone number +421 2 544 185 13.

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