Effective teamwork

The course Effective teamwork is aimed at realizing the key principles of effective teamwork.

The course is based on an experiential simulation of ZAP, developed by FBE. 


  • Realize the key principles of effective teamwork.
  • Learn procedures and rules that help improve team and inter-team cooperation.
  • Improve the ability of participants to communicate effectively when working in a team.

ON simulation

Multi-round simulation of team and inter-team cooperation, including improvement workshops. The analysis of the experience is aimed at:

  • how to improve team/inter-team cooperation,
  • how to set priorities and what impact they have on the overall result and KPI,
  • what procedures can make cooperation, coordination more efficient – improve the result,
  • which is important in terms of internal communication,
  • how important different roles are in a team.

Experience what the effect of high-quality team and inter-team cooperation can be, it is a wonderful motivation to improve the performance of your organization

Principles of effective communication in team or inter-team cooperation

  • Principles of effective communication within the team.
  • Ability to listen and select important information.
  • The most common errors in communication: incomplete information, unjustified prejudices, misrepresentation of information, insufficient communication, etc.
  • How to prevent communication errors in cooperation?

Rules of effective cooperation

  • Derivation of the key rules of effective teamwork using the RIEKA technique.

Solving selected situations from the participants’ practice

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