Development of informal authority

The course Development of informal authority  focuses on improving motivational  and inspirational communication and will provide participants with practical ideas on how to strengthen informal authority. It is suitable for managers, team members and also for workers of self-managing teams.

How do we react when we or our team get out of our comfort zone? And how does a spontaneous leader react? What to do when there are many ideas to solve the situation, but there is little time to make a decision. There are different people in every team. So how to align for a common goal? Through these situations, we accompany the participants of the training, which is dressed in the storyline of the story “Save the King”.

  • Develop expressions of informal authority.
  • Improve motivational and inspirational communication.
  • Strengthen the ability to make decisions in situations with a higher degree of uncertainty.
  • To learn how to support goal orientation, flexibility and self-management in a team.

Sources of informal authority

  • Initiative and self-motivation of informal authority
  • Gaining trust in the team

Inspirational and motivational communication

  • Dictionary of Informal Authorities: How do people with natural influence communicate?
  • “Stupid mood” in the team and what to do with it

Identifying and using the strengths of team members to achieve the goal

  • How to profit from mutual differences
  • From obstacles to solutions: informal authority as team support

Support of goal orientation and self-management in the team

  • Prerequisites for team taking responsibility for the result
  • Autonomy for creating solutions without detailed guidance from superiors

Prompt solution to various types of situations

  • What to do when time is against us
  • How to harmonize outside the comfort zone

Coping with tense and crisis situations

  • Overcoming resistance and disagreement in the team
  • How not to explode when things don’t go well

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