Claim collection by phone

The Debt collection by phone  course is focused on  professional communication with non-paying customers. 

The course “Debt collection by telephone” is intended for all workers communicating with a customer who is also a defaulter. How to remain customer-oriented and at the same time emphatically uphold the company’s requirements and thereby achieve successful debt collection? The course will strengthen your skills in effective communication with non-paying customers and handling stressful situations in this type of work.

  • To develop the ability of participants to effectively and professionally communicate with non-paying customers.
  • To supplement the participants’ knowledge and skills with new procedures and appropriate techniques in the field of debt collection and argumentation, thereby increasing the effectiveness of collection.
  • Practical recommendations on how to better manage stress and burden after a difficult conversation with a non-paying customer.

Handling the situational contradiction when we communicate with a customer who is also a defaulter

  • Customer orientation versus firm adherence to the company’s requirements.

Debt collection process over the phone

  • Preparation and principles of communication when conducting an interview about a claim.
  • Obtaining a “commitment – agreement”.

Targeted questioning

Consistency of enforcement

  • Psychological aspects of enforcement.
  • Manifestations and procedures of consistency in enforcement communication.
  • Emphatic enforcement – database of emphatic formulations.

Professional argumentation in crisis and difficult situations

  • Gradation of argumentation, rational and emotional appeal.
  • Strategies and tactics in the enforcement process (salami tactics, fait accompli, etc.).

Conflict and stressful situations from practice

  • Typology of behavior of non-paying customers.
  • Situational techniques (handling negative expressions of customers – non-payers).
  • Use of assertive techniques in the recovery process.

Coping with stress after a difficult conversation with a non-paying customer

  • Anti-stress exercises and recommendations for debt collectors.

Training of model situations from practice

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