Negotiation II

The Negotiation II  course is aimed at improving the skills of the participants in negotiation techniques.

  • To improve the participants’ skills in negotiation techniques.
  • Familiarize yourself with other manipulative negotiation tactics, learn to recognize them and master appropriate counter-tactics.
  • Deepen the situational approach to negotiation depending on the approach of the business partner, the situation and the desired goals.
  • Realize the importance of preparation for negotiations and prepare for the difficult negotiations that await the participants in the near future.

Group Work – Bargaining Association Map

(serves to repeat and identify the level of knowledge)

Communication game Land negotiation (introductory experiential exercise with detailed analysis)  – based on the analysis, different approaches to negotiation in different situations are identified within the group

Types of negotiation and situational approach to negotiation

  • Positional negotiation, search for a compromise, principled negotiation, choosing the appropriate approach depending on the approach of the business partner, the situation and the desired goals

Other manipulative negotiation tactics and their management

Verbal and non-verbal power games in negotiation and strategies for managing them

  • Working with words
  • Reading non-verbal communication
  • Playing with space etc.

Persuasive argumentation in negotiation

Negotiation with a difficult – conflictual partner

  • Policies:
  • Not reacting to emotions
  • Disarm the opponent
  • Change the game
  • Facilitate consent
  • Avoid saying no

Preparation and training for the negotiation that awaits the participant

Video training of negotiation and feedback

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