
Kanban is a production control and project management method used to improve work flow and optimize performance.

Kanban is a production control and project management method used to improve work flow and optimize performance. This method focuses on the visual representation of processes and workflows that are represented on Kanban boards or whiteboards.  

Each project or task is represented by a card that goes through the process from start to finish. This card moves on the Kanban board from one column to another, where each column represents a certain stage of the process, for example “awaiting processing”, “in process” and “completed”. Thus, Kanban helps managers and team members monitor project progress, identify bottlenecks, and improve processes.  

Kanban is originally a Japanese term that means “visual production control system” and is used in the production of cars, electronics and other industries. However, today Kanban is used in various fields including software development, IT, marketing, business and many others.  

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