5 why

“5 why” is a method used to identify the root causes of problems.

“5 why” is a method used to identify the root causes of problems . This method focuses on asking questions, where we try to gradually explore and understand the causes of the problem down to its root.

It is a process of asking questions like “why?” up to five levels deep. At each level, a question is asked based on the answer from the previous level. This question should gradually lead us to the main root cause of the problem.

The goal of this method is not only to find a solution for the current problem, but also to eliminate its root causes in order to prevent its recurrence in the future.

The “5 why” method was developed within the Toyota Production System , where it is used as part of a continuous process improvement method. Today, this method is used in various fields, such as in management, marketing, or in solving technical problems.

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