How to lead new generations

The course How to lead new generations  focuses on how to effectively lead young generations .

  • To learn what to pay attention to and how to effectively lead young generations.
  • Improve understanding of different generations and thus improve mutual cooperation.
  • To realize the common and different characteristics of individual generations.
  • Get practical advice on solving different situations.

Differences between generations – WHAT ARE THEY?

  • Characteristic features of individual generations.
  • What each generation has in common and what is different.

Generations Y and Z in employment – WHAT ARE THEY LIKE AT WORK?

  • Expectations of individual generations from employment and from the manager.
  • Are we thinking like Generation Y and Z? – comparison of preferences.

Communication of different generations – HOW TO COMMUNICATE WITH THEM?

  • What communication style each generation prefers.
  • How to improve mutual understanding between generations.

Practical advice and tips for leading generation Y and Z – HOW TO LEAD THEM?

  • How to assign them a task.
  • How to give them feedback.
  • How to motivate them.
  • How to develop them.

Case studies – the similarity is not accidental

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